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Providing private capital fund managers with accounting advice across house, fund and transactional matters.
Regulatory capital
Assisting with applicable EU and FCA prudential requirements through scenario analysis modelling and capital forecasting.
Tax valuations
Undertaking valuations for tax purposes across a broad range of assets including carried interest and sweet equity.
Accounting valuations
Undertaking valuations for non-tax purposes including purchase price allocations and emerging ESG valuation requirements.
Financial modelling
Developing bespoke financial models to assist private capital clients with transaction negotiations and strategic decision-making.
Examples of our accounting and valuations work
Purchase price allocation
Advised a PE-backed business on a purchase price allocation and the accounting for its compensation arrangements together with associated valuations.
Valuation model
Developed a valuation model for a complex management equity plan and performed stress test scenario analysis to assess the impact of potential changes in financial performance.
Tax valuations
Advised a private capital manager on the valuation of its carried interest plans for tax and financial reporting purposes.